Being niche is a gift
Are you able to identify plants by their Latin names? Do you have an unusual hobby or collection of objects that have stories attached to them? Whether you have a special gift or talent, a niche hobby or vast knowledge about a particular subject matter, then starting a podcast could be perfect for you, and I’ll explain why.
Coming from a background in broadcasting, I can tell you that it take weeks or even months before a story or podcast series is heard by listeners, with the exception of daily news podcasts, which usually involve a team of people to push the content out quickly.
For a media organisation, the production of long-form audio and podcasts is time-intensive, which also makes it expensive, unlike fast-turn around news.
But regardless of the format, style or genre of your podcast, research is essential.
Research is a must!
What you may or may not realise is that behind every ‘professional podcast’ is a huge amount of research that has happened in the background before recording even begins.
It may not be apparent to the listener, and hopefully it isn't - that’s the art of good storytelling!
The information should appear seamless and drive the narrative, as well as giving listeners the information they need to keep them hooked. If you want your podcast to be meaningful to your audience, I’d highly recommend you invest time in this part of the process, even if your podcast format is simple.
The research process is exciting! It's like going on a treasure hunt where you follow your nose and your instincts. Sometimes you’re led off the beaten path to weird and unexpected places. And if you’re lucky enough, you’ll strike gold.
Research is integral to a great interview and if you’re hosting a simple interview style podcast, it’s important to make sure that you ask the right questions and guide the story. If you’ve done your research, you’ll be better equipped and more informed and this will be evident in the questions you ask. It will also make the interview more interesting for listeners.
Podcasts are about entertaining as much as they are about educating, or creating familiarity - that voice we listen to in the morning as we get ready for work or school, or before we drift off to sleep at night.
And while you might be sitting there considering whether or not to start a history or true crime podcast, just know that unless you have the production experience, knowledge and research behind you it's going to be difficult to get it off the ground. These types of podcasts shouldn’t be done in a rush. Executed poorly, it will be evident right off the bat, and you’ll struggle to engage potential listeners.
Why you should bring your unique insights to the table
But here’s why you should consider bringing your ‘unique insights and knowledge to the table,’ and why ‘being niche is a gift.’
New ways of doing things always brings a fresh approach and can also open up some creative opportunities in the production process.
But first, have a think about the framing and how you’re going to make it work for you, so that it feeds into the theme or subject matter. And also consider how much time you have to invest in your podcast to give it that special something.
Leave a comment below, if you’re keen to know more about how to spark your creative juices!
There is definitely nothing wrong with being different. My question would be - why try and make your podcast or presentation style sound like everyone else? You will only end up with a podcast that sounds stilted because you’re not staying true to your own personality. And this ‘lack of authenticity’ will also drive your listeners away…because the mic tells all.
You only need to pop over to instagram to see accounts that look identical. I admire the consistency of influencers who post regularly. But equally, I get tired of seeing everything (and everyone) conform to the same uniform look and feel.
The same goes for podcasting. Don’t assume that we all want to listen to the same thing over and over, and over again. Repetition is boring. And what we want to hear is YOU - not a version of a podcast personality you’re desperate to emulate.
Trying to copy something that has already been done before isn’t remotely interesting, but it’s also pretty risky. It’ll make your content sound predictable and generic in a landscape where there is already far too much of the same.
So, capitalize on your uniqueness or your specialist knowledge. Secondly, follow your instincts and do your research! All of this will help you in the long run.
If your podcast is based around your accumulated knowledge and expertise, that will do half your work for you. You’re also likely to have networks within that community who will be interested in what you have to say.
Plus, it’s a bonus if you can tap into their expertise and include them as guests on your podcast - a great way to share the love!